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Review- Pantene Oil Replacement

Gone are the hostel days when I used to sit with my friends for long head massage/ oiling sessions along with lots of gossip.

I now end up running behind a toddler with my hair crazily tied up in a messy bun. Also now i don't  really like oiling my hair, may be because i don't have time for it and also because washing hair after oiling needs extra efforts.

So, I rarely use oil, thankfully I am blessed with good hair, but still one needs to take some bit of care. With approaching winter and hair getting dry I was wondering which oil to buy, and just then I came across this Oil replacement cream. What a wonderful product for people who can't stand oil or who have no time or luxury to get their hair oiled.

 The New Pantene Oil Replacement has Pro-V and goodness of oils; giving you two times stronger hair.

Why I liked this product- when I first used it, I felt my hair a little sticky, but I realised I had used a larger quantity. The stickiness though went away in sometime. The second time I used lesser quantity of it and my hair was perfect.
The cream is absolutely non sticky if used rightly. Takes away all the dryness( that is what it is for) leaving your hair smooth and silky, it does not weigh down your hair unlike oils. I also love its fragrance.

Comes in a Sleek Golden color flip-flop tube which is easy to carry.
Available in 2 sizes
1 . 80 ml- 85 Rs.
2. 180 ml  - 150 Rs.

The best part about it is it's ease of use-
Take a little blob of cream, rub it on your palms, glide it through your hair.. that's It!! You are ready to style your hair and good to go! Another good thing is it's pricing.

When can one use it??  I use it after washing my hair and also sometimes midweek when I feel my hair is getting way too dry. You could use it before sleeping/ before an occasion/ before going out somewhere.
Basically Pantene has brought a solution to end the hassles of oiling with this New Oil replacement therapy!

Do try this awesome product it is available offline and online too on Amazon and nyaka. 


  1. Wow!!! That sounds so good. I have oily skin and so avoid oiling my hairs due to pimples. This cream sounds a great solution to my problems. Thank you 😊👍.

  2. Get the look and benefits of OILING without putting Oil in hair and all that chip chip. Wonderful

  3. It has been priced very remarkably. And I love its easy styling and nurturing properties

  4. I think it is a great solution for dry hair and we will get the benefits of oiling. Thanks for sharing this review.

  5. I'm hearing a lot about this pantene hair care product, seems very promising . shall get one soon since I don't have that good hair:(

  6. I heard a lot about thos wonderful product.Hoping to try it out soon.

  7. I recently ordered this and I am waiting to try it..

  8. This product is so affordable and looks worth trying. I am planning to buy this soon.

  9. I really hate putting hair in my hair and this product is a Savior. Great review

  10. I just hate applying oil to my hair. This product is going to be my life Savior.

  11. Product is so affordable and lots of benefits .. Thanks for sharing

  12. That's a lovely product for all of us oily scalps..loved your review!

  13. I am hearing a lot about it now 🤗 and very excited to try this out 😍

  14. This is truly a life savior... Oil in cream form is an amazing concept. Will try out.

  15. This product is so affordable and looks worth trying. Thank you for sharing.
    I like this blog also:


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