The good news is that your baby is coming soon; and the sad
news is that you are going to miss the baby bump forever… oops not if you get
pregnant again; but just like no two babies are same, each pregnancy is
different. My pregnancy has been a really beautiful phase of my life, and as
the due date was nearing the anxiety was at its peak. How will I know if it
(labour) has started; how does water breaking feel, will I be able to endure
the pain and so many more questions kept lingering all through. Well whatever
happens the best thing is to be prepared for all odds, just as they say “ hope
for the best and prepare for the worst”.
One of the things towards the end of your pregnant journey
is preparing your bag for the hospital (just in case you don’t plan a home
birth). Most of the doctors/hospitals will provide you with a list, mine did
not and hence I thought I should write about it to help other new to-be
In the list below have included and excluded things that I didn’t
take or took but didn’t need.
For the Mom during labour and postpartum
1. Tooth brush
2. Shampoo/body wash (if the hospital doesn’t
provide these)
3. Socks
4. Slippers
5. Cream/lotion
6. A good camera-phone
7. Your phone/ipod with your playlist with calming
songs/music and ear phones.
8. A timer or you could use your smart phone for
timing contractions
9. Tummy belt or a cotton dupatta (to tie your
tummy after a vaginal delivery)
Night gowns (preferably a nursing night gown)
Nursing bra12. Nursing wrap
13. One or two decent nursing dresses that you may want to wear post-delivery(when there are visitors)/while going back home
Enough panties/disposable panties,If the
hospital doesn’t provide.(you may need more than you think, because in case of
a vaginal birth there is copious blood flow, so chances of staining are high)
15. Mobile charger
16. Some candies to keep in mouth and avoid it from drying (As in labour women are mostly asked not to drink or eat anything)
17. lip balm
15. Mobile charger
16. Some candies to keep in mouth and avoid it from drying (As in labour women are mostly asked not to drink or eat anything)
17. lip balm
18. A message/card ready to be sent out once the
baby is born

For Baby
Receiving blanket
Swaddling sheet
A pack of new born diapers/ cloth diapers
Face cloth
Wash cloth
Baby wipes
Traditional steel or silver sippy spoon(paladai)/bottle
just in case baby doesn’t nurse initially.
15. Macintosh sheets/ Quick dry sheets
15. Macintosh sheets/ Quick dry sheets
Hope this helps the expectant moms, and the experienced moms
reading this, if you feel I have missed out something, do comment below and let me know!
Keep reading, keep inspiring!
Click here, to see the review of the hospital where I delivered.
Keep reading, keep inspiring!
Click here, to see the review of the hospital where I delivered.
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