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Why choosing W-Pratiksha was a good decision? Hospital Review

W Pratiksha
Picture source: internet

It’s one of the best hospitals that I have seen so far with extremely professional staff and breastfeeding friendly doctors, who will educate you as a new mom, eliminating fears and doubts regarding feeding and new born care.

I was sceptical when it came to choosing this hospital over many other super speciality hospitals in Gurgaon (Cradle, Fortis, cloud nine etc) as it was comparatively a new setup then (2016), however I went ahead with it and I’m happy that I chose it.

I also happened to attend the 'one day prenatal workshop' which was pretty informative.

Few most important highlights
  • The hospital is breastfeeding friendly; my baby was put on my chest few minutes after being born (he latched on like a pro )
  •   The neonatologist/ paediatricians/lactation consultant in the hospital kept reiterating the benefits of EBF (exclusive breast feeding) every time they came for visits
  •   We were informed of many myths and wrong practices related to new born baby care.

***Other Special highlights***

Planting a tree

  • The rooms are super cosy and comfortable with all amenities like that of a star category hotel.
  • The food too was good unlike many other hospitals
  • The hospital gave a cute birth certificate with our baby's foot prints and other details. 
  •   A booklet with details of our baby and month wise baby care, milestone chart and growth chart was given on discharge.
  • The parents are made to plant a sapling in the name of their new born baby; pictures are clicked and sent to the parents.
  • Cake is cut by the new parents with their doctor.
  • The staff does not take any tip, not even when insisted upon.
  •   Most importantly, the hospital bill is not too hard on your pocket/bank balance! All this priced pretty competitively with other good hospitals around.

Cake cutting at the hospital

My experience could have been bettered if they had the hospital well-staffed on Sunday(the day I got admitted); however all in all we left the hospital with our swaddled bundle of joys and a happy memory.

I would be soon writing a checklist for to-be parents on finalising a hospital for delivery.

Check here to know  what you need to pack for your delivery :)

Disclaimer: This is not a paid review.  I am in no way related to the management, nor am I employed with the hospital. It is solely based on my experience there in the year 2016. If you are looking for a hospital in Gurgaon for birthing I would certainly recommend W, however kindly do your checks and do not depend on this one review.


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