Image source Wikipedia As parents we want our kids to inherit the best of our qualities and we often pray that they don't acquire the flaws and traits we detest in ourselves. I have never been inclined to numbers, never had aptitude for things that I could not see, touch, feel; so, while I enjoyed social sciences and biology; physics, chemistry and maths never made much sense to me. Howard Gardner, the famous psychologist from Harvard proposed the popular theory of multiple intelligences in 1983, which emphasised on 8 main types of intelligences/abilities that every human posseses, with few being dominant and others being dormant or less active. These intelligences are- 1. LINGUISTIC 2. LOGICAL-MATHEMATICAL 3. VISUAL-SPATIAL 4. BODY-KINESTHETIC 5. MUSICAL -RYTHMICAL 6. INTERPERSONAL 7. INTRAPERSONAL 8. EXISTENTIAL This clearly means that every human has these abilities with varying ...
Life's paraphernalia through my eyes:- pregnancy, parenting, baby care, art and craft, DIY, photography, travel, poetry and reviews of places and products.